Sebastian Dröge (slomo) is a Free Software developer and one of the GStreamer maintainers and core developers. He has been involved with the project since more than 10 years now. He also contributes to various other Free Software projects, like Debian, Rust, GNOME and WebKit. While finishing his master’s degree in computer sciences at the University of Paderborn in Germany, he started working as a contractor for GStreamer and related technologies. Sebastian is one of the founders of Centricular, a company providing consultancy services, where he’s working from his new home in Greece on improving GStreamer and the Free Software ecosystem in general. Apart from multimedia related topics, Sebastian has an interest in digital signal processing, programming languages, machine learning, network protocols and distributed systems.
In this workshop we will go through the basics of using the GTK+ UI toolkit and the GStreamer multimedia framework from Rust. A small webcam desktop application will be written during the course of the workshop, which will allow to view the video from the webcam, take snapshots and record videos, possibly with effects.
If you’re interested in either of the two technologies and how to use them from Rust then this is the workshop for you.
Basic Rust knowledge is a requirement for this workshop and participants should bring a laptop with a webcam, running Linux, macOS, or Windows, or pair with another participant on their laptop.